The following review has spoilers for the previous books in the Uglies Series (mainly, Specials). There are no big spoilers for Extras.
Thanks to Tally Youngblood, the world is no longer made up of Bubblehead Pretties. In Aya's city, people can think for themselves, and how often you think about someone can have a big impact on their life. Here, the entire economy is based on face ranking. The people who gain the most attention live the most luxurious lives that “extras” like low-ranking Aya can only dream of achieving. That's until Aya comes across a big story that could really get people talking, but what if there's more to the situation than she first suspects?
Extras is an interesting addition to the Uglies Series. Although the main story involving Tally that began in Uglies was resolved by the end of Specials, Extras brings us back to show us how the world is reacting. Characters from the Uglies series, such as Tally and Shay, make an appearance, but the story is mainly about Aya and her friends. What I like the most about this series is fact that the dystopian elements feel rather plausible. As someone currently living in a world filled with trending topics, and viral videos I found it easy to see how an economy where the most noticed person wins could come about. Aya's desire to be famous suits the books intended teen audience quite well, considered the power popularity holds in middle and high school.
As for how I felt about Extras, I do feel a little divided. I liked, but didn't love the first half of the book. One of the complaints I had about Specials is I felt the series was becoming repetitive, and I can't help but notice the same thing about Extras. Much like with Uglies, Extras begins with a young girl sneaking into a party for the elite that she's not allowed to attend yet. Like Tally, she finds herself involved in a counter-culture group and must hide her true intentions to get what she wants. Despite any issues I may have had with the set up, I did ultimately enjoy getting to know more about Aya's world and her friends. When we came to the second half of the book, I found that I disliked it, but didn't hate it. Part of the reason for this has to do with Tally's role. During Specials, I noted that she was becoming a less likable character and it seems like this has only continued into Extras. I really couldn't stand her here. As the characters continue to research Aya's story, certain revelations are made that I don't think are as satisfying as they could have been, which made the ending of the book feel like kind of a let down.
As mentioned before, Extras is an interesting book. I really liked the overall concepts about fame and popularity, but felt these concepts were explored unevenly. As a result, I probably wouldn't recommend this book to fans of the Uglies Series. For one thing, you don't even need to read this book. Still, I can understand why people would want to see what happens after Specials, and finish this series. That's why I picked up the book after all.
Rating: three stars
Length: 417 pages
Source: paperbackswap
Other books I've read by this author: Uglies, Pretties, Specials
Next I will be reviewing Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen
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