So, I've done a few things recently that I can directly attribute as my mom's suggestions:
1)sewing kit
Oh yes, I laughed. When am I going to use a freaking sewing kit? Well, when a belt loop pops off from your jeans, of course. Its a few millimeters off, but the loop has its function again and my slightly flawed sewing is actually not that bad. Weird though that
ash_for_cash happened to be talking about gender roles and how she defied them as a kid while I quietly sew on my bed.
2)Dell Extended Care
Been having a bunch of hardware issues with my computer lately. Hey, its a huge perk that I get to use Teddy's 12inch Powerbook while its in the shop, but its always good to have my own computer (despite how I really want a Mac now). Few hundred bucks when I bought my Dell, definitely has paid off.
Thanks, mom!