
Feb 23, 2005 02:19

Well I had initially tried to make today eventful since I start my on shift at work today at 7pm. I woke up at 10 am and went back to sleep until 12, and then the usual routine of getting ready to leave the house.
I put a frozen meal in the microwave and after eating, I was bored again(no surprise there). So I called up a friend to see if they wanted to go to IKEA with me. I had never been to IKEA before today(2/22/05) and I had alot of expectations from all the good things I've heard from others.
After arriving I realized that they were right, I instantly loved the place. Tim and I went upstairs, of course hitting the cafe right as we got up there. I had an an imported orange/apple drink and a swedish apple pie. Tim picked up a panini but when it came time to pay(I was already seated and eating at this point), his card kept getting denied. Ikea ended up comping his lunch which was very nice of them.

To make a long story short, I really enjoyed my trip there, and now have plans for refurnishing my whole place with Ikea stuff.

After Ikea I took my friend to work(he doesn't have a car) and went home.

General bordom ensued, and then my bro said he was going to the mall so why not tag along?
Before hitting the mall we picked up barbara. Once at the mall we headed to game stop, where ryan and barbara had to decide between 4 different xbox headsets. After the decision they went over and played nintendo ds for about twenty minutes while I was looking at Ngage games.

A little history before the rant......My brother is a generally bad driver, who thinks he's the best.
On the way to the mall I had been noticing a few things and had been holding my tongue to not seem like a back seat driver. But, while leaving the mall he did the same things so I spoke up. He instantly got mad at me, and then stopped and told me to get out of the car. I of course told him to fuck off, that I had wanted to ditch him several times in the years I was driving him places but kept my mouth shut. He probably didn't like me saying anything like that in front of barbara. Still blowing up like that probably made worse impact than me saying somethig to begin with.
Really he should just ask her out already, I mean he already spends hours with her every day playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live.

Anyways back to it:

After watching "House" on Fox, with my mom I decided to go to blockbuster. I had seen just about everything interesting already so I took a chance and rented "Ulogy" with Ray Romano, Rip Torn, and the hottie from Xmen(Jeane Gray). It was a pretty funny movie with a good plot and a solid cast. Good enough that even the master of critism(Tim) enjoyed it.

After that I headed home and am now writing this.
I have work tomorow which sucks huge, but at least its our short week so it should go fast. Until next time..............
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