
Sep 08, 2009 19:48

So DragonCon was....a high and a low for me this year. I think Ain and I are finally going to bite the bullet and just...get a hotel room even though we're so close. The first year, with Taidan staying with us, it seemed to work alright, mainly because when we got home from the Con, we sat up another 2-3 hours talking to him...which was a lot of fun. But he stayed in a hotel himself this year, and I made the mistake of being too tired when the con started, so I was exhausted from the get-go (thus Ain and I napping in the fifth floor lounge of the Atlanta Hilton on Saturday.)

So next year: We're going to at least stay Saturday and Sunday nights. If I take Friday off (and if I am teaching Business and Computer Science next year, I am certainly going to...if it's a new subject, I may not.) we may stay all three nights. Not sure yet.

It was a low because I really didn't even get to the con Friday or Monday. It was sort of like a...two-day Con. Which was kinda disappointing.

High points were seeing Kori, Tannim, Ishi and the gang....I've really missed them. Seeing Rath again, Taidan, meeting new people! Oh, and playing Dungeons and Dragons. That was freakin' awesome. I really want to do that more often. Especially since 4th Ed is really easier than I thought to get into.

Been wondering if I couldn't put together an RPG group. See, once upon a time, my buddy S'lan was telling me that when he was in the Navy, they used to play sort of a 'Round Robin' game thingy. They'd start with D&D for example, then move to...MechWarrior, for example. Then something else, like GURPS, then back to D&D. What it meant was, no one person had to be the game master the entire time. (Which is, I think, the number one reason why campaign's fail. DM burnout) I find myself wanting to put something like that together. Hmmm. Something to think about, anyway.
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