Jan 07, 2008 13:26

Y'all know about Star Trek, right?  The latest (and hopefully greatest) of the Star Trek movies which takes us back in time to the good ole Starfleet Academy which is taking its cue from Enterprise and calling itself "Star Trek" with no colons or subtitles?

Well, we now know who will be in this movie come Christmas Day.

Kirk-- Some dude who was in Smokin' Aces and some Lindsay Lohan movie.  Meh, but Kirk's forgettable anyway and doesn't require a lot of acting skill.

Spock-- Sylar from Heroes.  ZOMG.

Amanda Grayson-- Winona Ryder is Spock's mom.  ZOMG EWW.

They're actually including Christopher Pike, hapless captain of the pilot episode, which is cool.  Played by the CEO from I, Robot.

Uhura-- Anamaria from POTC.  "You owe me a ship, Jack".

Doc Bones-- Karl Urban!!  Yay for Caesar, Cupid and Eomer!

Sulu-- Harold from Harold and Kumar.  I'm not kidding.

And last, but definitely not least and one of the most exciting bits:

Scotty-- Simon Pegg, also known as SHAUN OF THE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!

I am so fucking excited for this movie-- you don't even know.

star trek, made of win

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