Dec 08, 2005 22:41
Sorry, had to quote The Beatles (anniversary of John Lennon's death and everything)...
So... got a confirmation email from Peace Corps that I'm not going basically, earlier this week.
Ive been thinking about it, and it was actually christmastime that made me think of doing something like Peace Corps:
Senior year of high school, Jeni and Eli were staying out here at moms place because they were about to get married and move to England. Christmastime. Eli and I were watching "it's a wonderful life" and I got really really depressed (more so than usual), and realized that I'm going to die without positively affecting anyone, or at least, if i wasnt born things wouldnt be different (besides my family having more $ because there was one less mouth to feed).
Since then, I've always tried to think of what it was that i was gonna do that gave me a purpose to my life. Eventually Peace Corps came to mind.
And now.... I'm not going to do it, and I really need to find what it is that will make my life meaningful. Not like I have to do some huge sacrifice to make it worth something, but so far I haven't done much. I need to live my life and find my purpose.