Hi Vladiators
*Update news for Vlad Quigley.Com*
...Actually the action this month is not on the site; it's all been happening recently on the official merchandise shop & over on RedVamp's site... where fab new "Horror of RedVamp" art merchandise has been made in preparation for RedVamp's Haunt X horror event!
Horror of RedVamp merchandise (with art by Vlad Quigley)
http://www.cafepress.com/vladquigley/1150637RedVamp's official site
http://www.redvamp.com/ The Haunt X event is at LAX Hilton in Los Angeles, 18th & 19th Feb.
RedVamp is a special guest, she will be selling the new "Horror of RedVamp" merchandise and she will be doing signings, answering questions, etc!
If you're in the Los Angeles area it's a golden opportunity to actually meet the legendary RedVamp in person!
Haunt X official site (with ticket details)
http://www.hauntx.com/ Thanks enormously to RedVamp.
In other news:
* Please get well soon Jessica!
* RedVamp has shot superb new photos modelling the Ghoulish Delights and RedVamp art merchandise - they look excellent! You can see two of the photos on the front of the merchandise shop and the fan club...
http://www.cafeshops.com/vladquigleyhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/vladquigley/ * I've been awarded an entry in a 2 volume leather-bound book by the American Biographical Society, "Great Minds of the 21st Century" - which seems to be like an American version of similar entries I've received in the UK ...but is my first in the USA. It came as a nice surprise.
* As stated previously, major changes are happening where I will in future be concentrating on art exhibitions instead of comics... with exhibitions beginning in 2007. If anyone runs a suitable art gallery venue in Central London (at least x40 A3 & A2 frames) please let me know as I am interested.
This change in direction will enormously affect both the websites and the official merchandise shop - if there are items on the shop you particularly like I cannot promise they will remain on there, so now is the time to buy them - once they're gone they're gone!
Official Vlad Quigley/Varney the Vampyre/Jessica Jaymes/RedVamp merchandise:
http://www.cafeshops.com/vladquigley Best wishes
Recommended websites:
http://www.vladquigley.comhttp://www.restorationpunk.comhttp://www.varneythevampyre.comhttp://www.jessicajaymes.com/ - Vlad's muse Jessica Jaymes
http://www.redvamp.com - Texan gothic model & Vlad model, RedVamp
http://www.roger-moore.com - James Bond lives down our street
http://www.mattvalenti.com/ - Hollywood actor/producer Matt Valenti
http://www.DebHiett.com - Hollywood actress Deb Heit
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Euro_Gothic_Fetish_Model/ - Polish gothic model Mithre
http://www.gothic.no - Goth, Norwegian style!
http://www.darklands.no - Norwegian goth attire
http://www.gothicabyamira.com/ - Texan gothic model and designer Amira Ansari