Animal Rights Mayhem

Sep 14, 2005 15:35

Alright, it's rant time. Some of you that read this journal are probably pro animal rights. Some of you -might- even support PETA. Well, I've got a few things to say on this subject. First, let's start with the epistemological question: what -are- animal rights? The way I see it, we're animals too. And you might have noticed that animals in the wild don't exactly respect each other's rights. Hell, if you carry animal liberation to the extreme, one might suggest animal rights are being infringed on by our unfair use of tools. Unfortunately, it's about 4 million years too late to tell Australopithecus Afarensis to put that stick down. PETA wants total animal liberation, which means no pets, no zoos, no -seeing eye dogs-, and worst, no animal research.

About animal research, sure, I feel awfull bad all those lovable chimpanzees and pigs get the axe every year. How bad do I feel? Well, not as bad as if Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Measles, Mumps, German Measles, Hepatitis B, Poliomyelitis and chickenpox were still running free with no vaccines around to stop them. According to the Foundation for Biomedical Research, treatments for each of these diseases was only found with the help of animal research. Come on, -Pasteur- used animal research. Since 10,000 years ago, smallpox has killed more people than -anything else.- That's right, we were doing ourselves a bigger favor by destroying smallpox than -war.- How are we feeling about the chimps now?

For fun and games, I'll leave a link to Penn & Teller's "The Truth About PETA." America needs a few more satiricists with the way things have been going.
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