YAGKYAS Secret Santa Letter 2012

Oct 13, 2012 12:03

Dear YAGKYAS Author,

You rock for taking this challenge on! Thank you for participating. First of all, I'll be happy with anything--gen, featuring any of the characters I listed or either pairing. I'd love a crossover (or a fusion!) with Person of Interest, though you shouldn't feel any pressure to go there. During the holiday season, I gravitate much more towards mellow and happy fic. Angst doesn't comfort me, though if that's where your writing takes you, don't be afraid to go there! Drama is good too. I like humour, and porn, especially porn where the participants are laughing, but I'd be just as happy with a PG rated story as a more explicit one.

I guess what I'm saying, O Delightful Fanperson, is that I want to read the story that you best want to write, and you should feel free to take the liberties you need to accomplish that story. Have fun. Don't stress out! I'm going to love what you do, especially if you love what you do.

That being said, I love Rudy and Pappy, and especially Rudy/Pappy, and I would happily enjoy a gen or slash story that features them both prominently. I also adore Walt/Ray (and Walt&Ray!) and would welcome a story featuring them.

I prefer realism very, very strongly to fantasy in this fandom, but I would be happy with any rating from gen to explicit. If you go the slash route, I like curtainfic and romantic comedy more than the angst and the drama, but you should definitely go where your writing takes you.

In short, I love Rudy Reyes. I'd love it if you could tell me a story about him.



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