I am breaking my six months of silence! Boom!
Guys, seriously, I think I broke something after December. Running two challenges and participating in three more (including a six-story Yuletide blitz) tapped me out.
I did the
Canadian shack thing because hello, nostalgia; and I did
Remix because I feel such a sense of loss when I don't. But other than that? Nada.
I have signed up for
pod_together and the
GK podfic thing--if you've read Dira's fab
PTSD story this week, for some crazy reason I think I can record its 60 thousand words by August, so stay tuned for that one.
But to be honest, the thing I am most excited for is
kink_bingo, because that challenge always kickstarts me.
mementis made me
clutch my pearls.
perpetual_motion, where is my Bruce Banner porn? I am certain I was promised Bruce Banner porn, homie.