trek related links. I am sure you are all quite shocked.

Jun 05, 2009 16:04

I'm getting a headache trying to put together a post on Spock and, like, all the stuff that happened to him, and it just keeps getting bigger, longer, and uncut. The headache and the post. So while I wrestle with that, please allow me to share a couple things with you:

1. Check out this absolutely wicked picture of the TOS cast back in season two. It may or may not be my desktop right now. Look at all the primary colours!

2. So, a Kirk/Spock vid set to the "Glee" cover of Journey was the first thing that greeted me from the internet today, and let me be the first to tell you: my life is better for it. Don't Stop Believin', because Spock is nothing if not a small town girl.

3. I discovered that
starry_sea existed today, and made me a happy little TrekLit fangirl. Essentially it's devoted to the Star Trek novels and why they are awesome and we love them; if you're just getting into Trek for the first time (and haven't been scared off by all the ridiculous backstory I've been putting together) this would be a great place to start getting into some of the canon-ish stuff that's been around for several decades.

4. Similarly, nestra is running an interest poll about a TrekLit inspired ficathon. This is clearly the most awesome thing to happen since that Journey vid I just linked you too (this newly invigorated fandom is so ridiculous every single day), so go take the poll and watch for that.

I think I'm going to go watch XI for the fourth time to clear my head of Spock's incredibly complicated life and get some perspective with the application of Zach Quinto.

star trek lit, vids, star trek: the original series, star trek xi, star trek

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