Heads up, homeskillets--it turns out that I'm a big flake who can't keep track of what she writes, so this morning I will be reposting some portion of the seventeen stories I wrote in 2009-2010 and never collected here or
at my archive. Sorry for the posting frequency, considering I'm usually a once-a-week kinda gal, and usually that's a new story. But I hope you find something to enjoy in this rather mixed bag--I would love to know if you like 'em!
Also, I started reading
ymorton's The Social Network political!au, which dovetailed into a fruitful afternoon wandering my way through that improbable fandom. (Thanks for the rec,
shoshannagold!) This essentially proves what I've always kind of figured--that one well-written au is enough to pimp me into any fandom ever. So, you know, food for thought.