part and parcel

Apr 01, 2010 20:53

Tom Conrad, where's my stuff? I ordered it two weeks ago and it's still not here. I want my bloody t-shirts.

I'm busily chirping away, recording podfics for the amplificathon annual challenge (though the points system thoroughly baffles me; that will take the longest to calculate for posting, I'm sure). It's so much fun. I love recording podfic.

In preparation for my Remix signup, I reposted a whole bunch of my older fic to my fic archive. I'm not going to inundate you all with Fic Reposts, but I figured it might be worth mentioning them here in case anyone remembered them and wanted active links for them, or might want to read them for the first time. We're talking Jossverse mostly. Here's the Firefly fic.


Pickup Lines, Zoe/Wash. Written for Yuletide 2003/New Year's Resolutions 2004. They scrambled at each other’s clothes, knowing they really only had a moment’s time before someone would walk in, or shooting would begin, or Mal would get some crazy idea about saving whatever world they were currently on.

the game of charm and strange, Inara gen. There are words for what she is, words that are as old and forgotten as Earth-that-was. They are remembered, though, in the houses of the Companions, in the rituals they learn to perfection and the slight smile those of her kind wear like a second skin.

Magic Crazy as This, Simon/Kaylee. It was hard to find a well-moneyed planet this far out from the Core.

In Between Tonight and Tomorrow, Mal/Inara. This is a story they tell on Mumbai, Book says, and the table goes quiet except for eating noises.

The Soul to Crown, Inara gen. Inara closed her eyes. Though decadence was her tool of trade, she rarely afforded it to herself outside of the necessities of her work. Long baths, thick, expensive creams, rare silks and brocades: all these were welcomed, expected of her. But rarely did she let her eyes slip shut and see the things she could not have.

Garden of Simple, Simon/Kaylee. Simon wonders if he’ll ever regret having a conscience.

Black Market, Zoe gen. Zoe counts on both hands the number of times it has happened.

Faded, Book gen. Book remembers his childhood with a fineness, such as he finds in the thin pages of his ever-present Bible.

derrial book, zoe washburn, zoe/wash, inara sera, will write for pancakes, simon/kaylee, gen, firefly, mal/inara

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