It doesn't matter how much technology have if there's no bandwidth to back it up.

Aug 31, 2009 11:56

There's a desktop meme floating around, and I thought I'd take advantage of it to show my own secret shame.

Okay, they bumped that massively brilliant Brendon and Spencer picture that came out several weeks ago, and that was a very hard decision, because look at them. But then, every time I minimize the sixty five billion things I have open and stare at how ridiculously amazing those two dudes look up on that stage, being their own selves, unself-consciously and without reservation (...probably), it just squeezes something happy in my chest. Hi, boys. Thank you for making my desktop stare-worthy.

My desktop at home is this picture, because I keep thinking about John Connor and Terminator Cameron and get all twisty and thinky and stuff. It's just so fucked up. So fucked up. I love it.

I also keep refreshing the ontd_ai charity auction BB waiting for my name to show up, and trying not to be all panicky that it's not up there yet, because I'm on the fourth page of the comments and I'm SURE THEY ARE GETTING TO ME. But you see, I'm going to be out of town embroiled in fifty kinds of family drama for a sibling wedding, and I sincerely doubt that Hicktown, Georgia will have any signal to feed my iPhone. So I won't be able to obsessively refresh my page, when it shows up, to see if anyone bid on my offers. I have ceded that duty to marcolette, who has gamely agreed to let me know if anything has happened.

This is going to be an interesting week.

idolmeta auction, american idol rps, silly meme silliness

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