the things we do for good causes

Aug 27, 2009 00:32

I don't know if this will take off, but I hope it does! idolmeta is doing a charity author auction, and I've thrown myself up on the auction block. It's for Adam Lambert's Donors Choose fund, and while I would be entirely happy if Adam Lambert led his life blissfully unaware that there are entire swathes of people devoted to reading, writing, and promoting slashfic about his sparkly behind, I do think it is a most excellent cause, and am happy to contribute.

Here's my rubrick:

AUTHOR: templemarker
USERNAME: templemarker
EMAIL: templemarker at
Offer 1: One (1) 2-3 thousand word story.
Offer 2: Two (2) one thousand word stories.
RESTRICTIONS: Kris/Adam is most likely, Archuleta/Cook is a distinct possibility, Archuleta/Allison also potentially on the table.
ANYTHING ELSE: For any bid $25-40 I'll throw on an either an extra thousand words to option one, or an extra 1k story to option 2. Any bid $40-55, double that. I'll accommodate general prompts, i.e. pairing, genre, prompt device (picture, phrase, idea), but not specific requests unless previously negotiated and agreed upon. If there are folks who want a 500-1000 word story for a $10 donation, I'd be up for that as well.
ANYTHING YOU WOULD LIKE ADDED OR CHANGED: See above re: $10 one-shot ficlets. Also, fic will be posted publicly and to my archive, so please keep that it mind if you wanted something private.
I AM OFFERING: Separate bids for the two offers, please, and $10 one-shots, limit five. (That feels like a bartender joke.)
STARTING MINIMUM BID FOR MY OFFERS: $10, or a flat $10 that gets you the relative certainty of a one-shot (LIMIT FIVE).

My thread is here; The auction opens on September 1st, and closes the 7th. To bid, register here, and have your thread-monitoring email-checking senses on the awares. I hope this works! And that someone will want fic by me! But it's out there anyway, and I hope you're moved by the Lambert to donate, and get a little story in return.

ETA: If you liked the Star Trek fusion story, I can promise you right now that this is the only way you'll get more of it. :) I have no plans to expand further on it otherwise, but for the right bidder I could be convinced.

idolmeta auction, donors choose, american idol rps

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