Okay folks, sorry about the sudden lag on the plot threads, but Raina had some things come up in RL suddenly, so if you don't mind terribly, I, Waffle, will be taking her place in responding to the threads. I'll do my best to stay in the style she was using, so hopefully it won't jar you or anything.
So, Valentine's plot was supposed to end
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OKAY. I am a little confused on your question so bare with. Yes? Yes. So let's just go over Phase two sort of "definition" stuff and work from there.
Phase two is simply other characters (besides the initial targets) being allowed to enter the dreams and help their buddy pals fight the monster. They reply to their buddy's thread in the Monster Post to fight. After such the monster can do harm to them as well. Nothing severe though. The mod post you have a link to is just pretty much READY -- GO!! Besides Hannah giving clarification/explanation the post is not that big a deal.
Hodamn. I think that's everything. I hope that helps? If not, fire away!
we're just supposed to keep going on here, not a separate post?
CORRECT! That post only for Monster interaction. ♥
But your welcome.
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