All character journals not posted to the activity check will be drop-kicked dropped and added to the friends remove list. Those on hiatus are exempt, of course, and those who give us a really really good reason for not having posted to the activity check will be taken into consideration.
Sorry about being so harsh about it this time around, but we haven't done a check in a while, and there's some journals just sitting around that need either activity or purging.
Next time we'll be much more lenient about it, I promise. ♥
A list of journals that did not make the activity check will be posted later today, and a friends remove list will follow after that.
Oh, and P.S., the plot continuation post will be going up later tonight. After that post is made, friends of the victims will be permitted to enter the dreams of the victims and help them out a little, if they can. For more info, please refer to the
original plot post.