Take you to a gay bar

Jun 25, 2008 19:10

Characters: TU!Jackie Harkness [captaininnuendo], and anyone who agreed to go have fun with her
Time: Evening!
Setting: On the Downtown Club Strip
Summary: Jackie has decided that there needs to be some sort of celebration for the return of everyone's memories. Hence, she's secretly decided to take everyon to a gay bar. FREE MINGLING
Warnings: Possible drinking and macking?

Jackie was proud of herself for the idea of taking everyone out. Not that it was a hard conclusion to reach. Lots of people sounded like they could use a drink after that ordeal. And she could use a chance to relax after having searched the city pretty much non-stop. She had book after book after book in the small apartment she'd gotten for herself, and seceral weeks worth of news papers.

Lacking Tosh, this is how Jackie Harkness did things.

So, time to at least get her dance on! Right? She just needed Sam to show her the strip-- and she could tell exactly which bar she wanted to go into.

The one where everyone holding hands was the same sex. Perfect. Done up, and in the perfect going-out outfit (for her anyway), Jackie made straight for the club, not even bothering to check the name. That could come later. (It was a club called One on One, she figured that out when she got inside.)

"So! Drinks first, then a dance?" she asked no one in particular.

original (mikaela banes), original (kirihara misaki), template (sam winchester), template (jack harness), original (ianto jones), original (lelouch lamperouge), original (klavier gavin), original (millay ashford)

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