open, musing

May 04, 2008 20:51

Characters: Caterina Sforza [Template] & anyone who wants to say hi
Setting: The college campus
Time: Early evening
Summary: Caterina is in search of familiar places and faces, and is to be disappointed.
Warnings: None.

It was maddening, really. This Template was so like her own in the most mundane of ways. And it was also shockingly different. She saw no one she knew, no echo of even the most fleeting of acquaintances. Even the daily newspapers seemed parodies of themselves. Had she not been repeatedly assured that her experience was far from unique, she would have believed herself to be entirely insane.

In fact, she might have preferred it that way.

As she had done every day since her unwilling arrival in this place, she had chosen an area of the city to explore, and thus she found herself on the college campus. And that  was the most bittersweet of them all.

It was and was not like the one at which she had been employed, and those bright, happy faces were neither her students or fellow faculty.  She almost walked into the administration building, inquired as to whether there was any need for a music teacher.

Almost. And then thought better of it.

Really, such hesitation was most unlike herself. But she had not been able to shake the feeling that she existed in some sort of dream....or, rather, nightmare. And even the face in the mirror belonged to a stranger.

She would have returned to her apartment, but there really seemed to be little need. What could be accomplished there? Nothing sprang to mind, so she leaned against a large live oak, and watched the street lights begin to flicker on.

template (caterina sforza)

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