Characters: Wei Zhi Jun (Original), Hiei (Original)
Setting: Entering the Gate/Inside of the Gate
Time: Late night/Early morning
Summary: A Contractor and a demon walk into the Gate... What will they come out as?
Warnings: Wei has his own warning. :|b
You never felt so small until you looked up while right up against the wall of the Gate. The Hell's Gate in Tokyo had been quickly built after the Gate appeared, and it was taller than most of the buildings in that city. That wall hadn't even been completed entirely... Yet the one right in front of him had been completed. Not only that, but it barely appeared over night. He saw no one build it, and he doubted anyone did. It was just the city being itself.
Wei immediatly knew where to go so they could enter the Gate. He figured it would be closely related to the one in Tokyo, and so he found where he knew the area of PANDORA laboratories situated. Last time he was going to the Gate, he had been leading Hei, Yin and Mao. This time he was leading Hiei into the Gate.
What they would find though was a complete mystery to the Contractor. Other than the obvious he knew... He wasn't sure what to expect. He barely even understood the real Gates other than what he heard from Amber or other Syndicates of Contractors.
He turned to Hiei, the demon keeping up well so Wei didn't have to slow down for him at all. "The entrance is a huge tunnel where they'd usually have a tight lock over it and only allow PANDORA buses go through. I doubt this one will have PANDORA anything. Either way, it's hard to miss."