Characters: Dist the Rose [Original], and anyone that feels like bothering him.
Setting: Near the harbour.
Time: Mid-afternoon.
Summary: Dist runs out of new ideas to impress Jade for fonmachines, and decides to take a walk while he brainstorms. B|b
Warnings: ...It's Dist. Dx Um, I mean none.
Things were even worse when all the savages could see him! For the first time in longer than he could recall, the gorgeous Dist was not enjoying the attention. Certainly, it was wonderful that they weren't ignoring him, but was all the laughing really necessary? He let out a sigh, missing his chair already. He had meant to perform the reparations weeks ago, but circumstances prevented him from completing it, and he was forced to walk the entire way.
It was disgraceful! He deserved far better than this.
By the time he reached the edge of the harbour, his feet were already sore from the relatively short trip. To think that there was also the trip back... Why did he bother with this walk again? The graceful and charming God-General was, for lack of a better way of phrasing it, in a total state of disgrace.