Feb 28, 2006 22:40
I hate waking up in the morning and feeling like there is absolutely no reason to go to school. Seriously, if I ask teachers for makeup work and they Say "oh don't worry, you didn't miss anything." something is wrong. I wasn't there! I should be missing something, shouldn't I? Very frustrating.
Tennis almost killed me today, with all the congestion in my chest my lungs hurt for like three hours. Ouch. Still, I was killing Bill so he couldn't talk any trash. haha sweet revenge for all that stress last year.
If you haven't seen it I recommend you watch the movie High Fidelity. It has a line I've really been thinking about. "Am I depressed because I listen to music, or do I listen to music because I'm depressed?" Very interesting stuff in my present state of mind. The media is the message, or is it? Honestly, I don't really care, I just like sad music right now.
I feel depressed about being depressed if that makes any sense, I mean, my life is great , why am I sad? It makes me feel guilty because compared to other people's lives my life is insanely easy. I saw a Pakistani kid on the news, he was like six years old and had no legs. What could possibly compare to that in my life? nothing. I'm so grateful for everything God has given me, I know I don't deserve any of it. Psalm 7:17. "I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High."
Random nuggets of personal information:
I hate my dogs, they're driving me crazy.
My favorite starbursts are the red ones.
I can't type.
I wish I was taller.
I love sashimi.
I really like the Senses Fail song "Rum is for drinking, not for burning" It reminds me of Pirates of the Caribbean.
I find this cathartic.