Melodies of Life

Nov 21, 2007 01:37

So I reinstalled Windows tonight, built an unattended installation disc for it and just let it run. Everything basically went off without a hitch, except I didn't fill in all the fields so I did end up having to come back and fill in that stupid name and company prompt along with timezone.

When I booted into my new installation however, I found out that because of the weird ass way I had to wire my IDE cables so they managed to reach for three drives, I had picked the wrong drive to format. I go to my second drive and see that it's in fact my original installation.

I thought I had formatted my 80 gig. I totally fucking lost it.

That drive's basically the oldest thing in this machine. It's been my dumping grounds for years, and it's had contents copied to it from machines from nearly a decade ago.

But for most of that, I didn't care. I could redownload the ROMS and anime, get most of the Doctor Who stuff back from Cyd, grab the games again.

The one thing that really freaked me out though, was that drive was where all my songs were. There were MP3's there from the first CD's I ever owned, songs with Created dates in the mid 90's. 20 gigs of music I had collected for over a decade.

For the twenty or so minutes it took me to realize I had actually accidentally formatted my third drive and not my second, I was practically in tears.

I think it was mostly the sheer time it would take to get everything that really struck me. I mean I probably listen to maybe a third of this stuff. But the sheer volume of time spent getting it all in the first place just sort of hit me all at once, it was horrifying.

Moral: Pay the fuck attention to Windows partitioning, especially if you have two of the same exact drive
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