Working for the notorious Earl of Oxford in the 1580’s, [John Lyly's] plays were first performed publicly at the indoor theatres of Blackfriars and St Paul’s, then at the great Court festivities of Elizabeth I. Well, we know what that means… Guess Oxford wrote those plays too. I mean, "Lyly" is clearly a pseudonym; it is practically the same word as "lie." It's basically lie squared. Totally fake. Unlike de VERE, which is TRUE. Come on, it's an obvious play on the name of the Earl of Oxford! Why will no one see the truth???
(Seriously, though, I wish the Globe would film their Read Not Dead events and put them up on YouTube, or the Globe Player…I would love to see one someday, but don't think I'll ever have the chance.)
(I also wish academia valued editing more highly as a tenure-track activity, so that there might be more editions out there, and the Read Not Dead plays themselves would be more easily accessible to people without an academic library - or, ahem, to people who like taking notes when they read early modern plays - but hey-ho.)