
Jan 22, 2016 22:24

So…the last couple of trips I've made to the bookstore and library have resulted in running across several books that seem to be arguing that Princess Elizabeth was really attracted to Thomas Seymour? Like, are we doing that again? Because I really don't want to be doing that again, dude was a child molester. I mean, I am no historian, so I can stick my fingers in my ears on this subject if I want to, and I really want to, because that entire story has always given me the heebie-jeebies, and I am irrationally unwilling to consider "the evidence" on this one. Call me unobjective if you want, but when a man sneaks into a girl's bedroom, slaps her on the rear end, and slices her dress to ribbons while she's still wearing it, I am really not interested in hearing about how the girl in question might have been attracted to him or found the whole thing titillating.

Anyway. Is anyone else encountering these books?

For example:

(from Elizabeth: Renaissance Prince by Lisa Hilton)

And this is the book I saw earlier this week, which actually gave me the creepy-crawlies as I was flipping through it:
The Temptation of Elizabeth Tudor by Elizabeth Norton

"She would never allow her heart to rule her head again," eww eww ewwwwwwwwwww...

tudor stuff, elizabethan stuff

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