
Jun 16, 2013 11:56

Code Name Verity is finally out in paperback! I've been waiting on the paperback release so that I could buy myself a copy. I may have startled the friend I was with at the bookstore, with my...intense reaction to seeing it on display (there was squealing, and hugging of the book), but this person is my friend, after all, so she knows the drill. And the guy who rang up my purchase commented that everyone was talking about how good the book was - his daughter had read it, I think, but he hadn't read it yet although it was on his list. I think he was trying to say that I wouldn't be sorry I was buying it, but then I went, "oh, it's SO good," and confused him for a second - "oh, you've read it?" "yes, I was just waiting for it to come out in paperback so I could own it." But I'm glad to add to the chorus of people telling him to read it, anyway.

Also, in the interim, I bought two copies of the book in hardcover, to give to friends, so no one ever claimed that I make any sense. I quite like the paperback cover, though. And I won't constantly leave fingerprints all over it, the way I did with the black matte hardcover dust jacket, while trying to put the books in packages for the mail.

geekdom, friends, bookery

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