oh for the television of other lands

May 31, 2013 18:17

Mildly annoyed that there's now a BBC series based on Ian Mortimer's book The Time Traveller's Guide to Elizabethan England:


Granted, the book is on my "to be purchased" list when it finally comes out in the US next month, but what can I say? I love history programs. And I know they always say the book is better, but as someone who is not at all good at picturing what things look like when I read about them, I find it very helpful to see sites and costumes and suchlike. Also, some of the things on TV don't always make it into the book - or at least this was the case with Lucy Worsley's series about the history of the home (which I saw courtesy of some kind soul on YouTube): because she'd spent a lot of time at the Weald and Downland Museum, there were "living history" details that just weren't in the book If Walls Could Talk.

ETA: huh. Apparently this is part of a whole "Tudor Court Season" on the BBC:

(Incidentally, has anyone read Thomas Penn's book on Henry VII? I keep seeing it in bookstores and wondering about it.)

strange eventful history, why does history hate me, tudor stuff, tv, elizabethan stuff

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