another "The Power of Three" thought

Sep 24, 2012 13:23

Actually, two thoughts.

1. There were two little moments that struck me, both to do with food. One is when Rory is gently teasing his dad about "Brian's Log," and takes a sip of tea; you can see that the tea is too hot and burns him. The other is at the end, where Amy is fishing a hair out of her noodles. In an episode that's all about "real life" versus "Doctor life," as Rory puts it, I rather love that there are these two little realistic, utterly unromantic touches to the Ponds' everyday lives.

2. Has fandom collectively determined a chronology for season 7 yet? Since Eleven mentions Rory leaving his phone charger in Henry VIII's on-suite in "A Town Called Mercy" but they don't visit Henry VIII until "The Power of Three," at least part of the latter episode has to happen before the former. And where does "Pond Life" fit in? My current guess is that when the Doctor barges into their bedroom in one of the minisodes, he's expecting them to be in the middle of the events of "The Power of Three," but that's mostly a hunch based on that shot of them in bed, and also the fact that Chris Chibnall wrote "Pond Life" as well as "The Power of Three." I'm hesitant to make any other guesses based on wardrobe - like Amy's striped sweater - because it's always a possibility that they had limited costume options on hand for "Pond Life," since they filmed it after the season wrapped (which is why Karen is wearing that wig to hide her new fringe), and people do tend to wear their favorite clothes more often; Amy's wearing the same yellow polka-dot shirt, which I loved so much at the end of "Dinosaurs," in "The Power of Three," but I have a hard time seeing that as significant since the latter episode spans the better part of a year, and the wardrobe budget is presumably only so large. But who knows?

Anyway, I wonder if someone with more patience than I (and who has downloaded the episodes for repeat viewing) has worked out a theory of when things have happened. And whether the Doctor is moving through the Ponds' life in a different order than they're living it. I can't remember whether Rory looks like he knows what the Doctor is talking about when the Doctor makes the Henry VIII comment, since I wasn't paying close attention to that at the time; maybe it's a slip-up on the Doctor's part?

In news that is actually not as related as it looks, I stopped in at the bookstore yesterday on my walk home because...of reasons?, and found a lovely 50th Anniversary edition of A Wrinkle in Time in the children's section. I didn't buy it, but I really, really wanted to have someone to buy it *for*. Anyway, I found myself thinking about how much I loved those books, especially A Swiftly Tilting Planet - and suddenly it was like someone had hit me upside the head with realization, and I had to stop myself from exclaiming "Time can be rewritten!" out loud in the store. Of course I love that storytelling move of Moffat's so much, when I read that book so often and loved it so dearly. It's obvious, when you think about it; it's embedded in my narrative DNA.

dw series 7, madeleine l'engle, doctor who, children's books, moffat, time travel

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