two sentences or so on the finale

Oct 02, 2011 19:06

Not really up to a proper post, but two things:

1. There is a lot (a lot!) of stuff that I liked and even loved about the finale (like the fact that River kills the Doctor with a kiss, again; or that in all times and universes, Amy makes TARDIS figurines; and by the way, that noise the Doctor makes when he realizes that Amy actually remembers him evinces a pleasure that, frankly, borders on the scandalous, so tone it down, you young-old man; and I loved Amy's giddy happiness with him), but at the same time, the emotional payoff didn't seem big enough for a season-long arc about the Doctor's death ("Just kidding; I was a robot!" was kind of a let-down, although I loved all the forgiveness talk, and the Doctor's reason for inviting his friends). (As a resolution for a two-parter, I think I would have totally accepted it. But it didn't quite work for me as the answer to the season.)

2. I love each and every thing that the Pond family chooses to be, in every iteration. "We should have a drink sometime. And get married." And I can't even express how deeply I love that River just pops in on her mom and dad like that. (2a: Amy wearing Rory's old jacket. Love.)

pond family, amelia pond is a fairy-tale name, doctor who, river song finally gets a tag, rory is not a roman name, dw series 6

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