my library was dukedom large enough

Apr 22, 2010 23:57

I fail at being a modern girl, apparently, because I discovered I needed to do some research on churches in London (among other things), and it didn't occur to me to use the internet until several days after I'd requested a bunch of books from the library.

Here's my current pile of random story-related stuff:

--"Noyses, sounds, and sweet aires" : Music in Early Modern England, Jessie Ann Owens, ed.
--Music From the Age of Shakespeare: A Cultural History, Suzanne Lord
--Parish Churches of London, Basil Fulford Lowther Clarke
--Oranges and Lemons: The Rhyme and the Churches, Gladys Taylor
--The London Scene : Six Essays on London life, Virginia Woolf
--London : A Life in Maps, Peter Whitfield
--East Anglian Landscapes: Past and Present, J. R. Ravensdale
--A fair young curate : Munich crisis year 1938--a diary, Frank Wain
--The Folklore of East Anglia, Enid Porter

Man, immortals are hard work. I'm sure these books are just going to sit on my shelf for ages, but I feel a tiny bit productive, even just having them. And I did look at lots of pictures of East Anglian landscape and flint churches, which is what I needed that book for anyway.

And I'm now just the tiniest bit in love with St. Andrew Undershaft, because 1) it's a fantastic name; 2) John Stow has a monument there, and they replace his pen with a new one every year; and 3) it is ridiculously close to 30 St Mary Axe (the Gherkin), a juxtaposition that just makes me gleeful. (See picture.)

(ETA: Wikipedia says Holbein was a parishioner there! Huh.)

In less gleeful news, who just requested The Anatomy of Puck? Grr. I've only had it out a week, and have only read the first chapter. Bah. Why didn't Routledge reprint that one with the other Katharine Briggs books? Then I could have my own copy.

folklore and fairy tales, fairy stories, thomas and imogen need their own tag, why does history hate me, bookery, london

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