tell me, where is fantasy bred?

Mar 08, 2010 19:18

I was watching PBS the other evening, and a movie critic on Charlie Rose suggested that we were due to see a lot more sci-fi/fantasy films because of Avatar. I remember someone saying something similar about LotR, and while we did get some novel/comic adaptations, did we get much in the way of original fantasy films? I can think of Mirrormask and Pan's Labyrinth, but that's all that's occurring to me.

Or (and this question is partly to do with watching isurrendered)--why is there so little fairy mythology in movies and TV? Again, I can think of Pan's Labyrinth, and that one episode of S1 Torchwood where they were really aliens, of course; but nothing else is coming to mind at the moment. We're getting a lot of vampires right now--they seem to come in waves--and we get ghosts on occasion, and the occasional werewolf (Being Human has the whole trifecta), but not much in the way of fairies*. Help here? Either with suggestions for things I should watch, or with reasons why not?

(*Under that category I'm also including selkies and the like, not just straight-up, "in th'olde dayes of the Kyng Arthour" sort of fairies. Which adds The Secret of Roan Inish to my list, I suppose, now that I'm thinking of it.)

In not really related news, except that I watched the Oscars last night: I feel I need to be more creative. I don't really think of myself as a creative person. Occasionally (very occasionally!) I write things, but they aren't even particularly creative things, if that makes any sense. Or inventive, perhaps that's more what I mean: no one would read something I've written and think, "Whose brain works like that?" as I do with certain authors. I'm horrid at plot, because I just can't invent things that might happen. And I don't know if I can do anything about that, but it's also true that I haven't written anything in a while, and I probably could do something about that. (Though it would really help if the ideas I have at the moment, few and threadbare as they are, didn't require a bunch of research before I could even get started.)

fairy stories, why does history hate me, writing, torchwood, folklore and fairy tales, fantasy, movies, tv, neil gaiman

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