various mental meanderings

Oct 23, 2009 18:35

1. Went to the bookstore yesterday: the local's having its members' sale soon, which requires me to stake out the place and figure out what I want ahead of time, because it'll be too crowded on the day for serious, comfortable browsing. (Set aside the fact that I do not need any more books, have no place to put them, and have not yet read all the books I bought at last year's sale. In fact one of them, Ad Infinitum, is tragically missing and I have been wanting to read it for weeks, woes, because I miss Latin and do not actually have time to re-teach it to myself, so this is next best? Not being able to find the books I own is a clear sign that I do not need any more books.) Anyway, someone I know touched my arm while I was gazing at the remainders, and I had no idea he was even there. It's a little worrisome, how unaware of my surroundings I am while book browsing.

2. Related: I really miss just getting to learn things, instead of always reading for a purpose. This is silly, given that my ostensible job is "perpetual student," but it is true.

3. Not at all related: I started watching Due South a disc at a time from Netflix. Two discs into the first season, I have learned the following: I have a very high tolerance for watching Paul Gross climb out of windows while dressed as a Mountie (seriously, I could do it all day); and someone really likes making Paul Gross talk to ghosts. Incidentally, there was also surprise!Mark Ruffalo and surprise!Ryan Phillippe, so that was amusing.

4. Not related to any of the above: I have lost my youthful vitality. I know this because Dead Poets' Society was on last night, just at the bit where Keating gets the boys to tear out the introductions of their poetry textbooks, and all I could think, horrified, was "I bet those books are school property! What about all the students who'll need to use them next year?" So not the point. Also, gracious, but Robert Sean Leonard looks young in that movie.

5. A sentence from my journal that is fairly incomprehensible out of context: "Nothing says 'college nostalgia' like songs about crows pecking out dead men's eyes."

balladry, keeps death his court, bookery, movies, due south, tv, nostalgia

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