It's been a long six months - so how is everyone?

May 15, 2008 00:17

I can officially say that for a couple weeks now, SAD has not been the fault of my depression. The weather is nice, the clouds and cold have gone.

And with that, I've opened myself up a bit more again. I'm trying very hard to crack this shell right now that's keeping me from just about everyone. My work is a damn horrible place to be, and I can't deny that. There's a potential (but nothing more than a potential) for a better job. I'm still the sole income for my living space, due to some construction on the bridge. (And might I say, Assholes on their part for firing him because of that. I know he would have made it there just fine.) I don't want to go into superb depth, but it wears on me so bad. I'm a good employee, and I put up with tons of shit and jobs and always have, but I NEVER knew there were places that treated their employees like this.

But I digress. As I've posted about, I now have two feathered children. :) Trinkets and Deia, both the absolute loves of my life, and a possible third baby coming in the near future (supposing someone else doesn't get him/her first.) I'm also opening myself to commissions and selling a buttload of things on Ebay (FF7 anyone?) I do need the extra cash, mostly to make myself comfortable where I stand. I've looked into buying a house, but if I really want to persue it, I need to continue to work in HELL for another year and a half. I like to think I can handle it, but I'm not sure. Time will tell, really.

I also have renewed interest in working on OH, my manga.

I will not be attending AC this year. Work won't let me, much as I'd love to. I am trying to sell the remainder of my prints. I will probably not be doing any anthropomorphic art in a long time, either.

I also have a considerable amount of various plushies (wolf, husky, siamese cat, snow leopard, bobcat), two of which are Folkman puppets, that I will be putting on Furbuy if nobody here shows interest in them. I have pics also if anyone is interested.

Sorry for the absence of mind, guys. I am back for the summer at least. Love you all, and hope I haven't been too much of a beast this 'winter'.
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