(no subject)

Jul 14, 2004 15:02

Pure. Beauty. From the mouth of Senator Barbara Boxer

We have never amended the Constitution to deny rights and to deny equality.

There is a children's song that goes: One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong. Well, this proposal before us today doesn t belong in the Constitution.

Mr. President, this Constitutional amendment is so flawed, it could not pass the Judiciary Committee. The leadership had to bypass the Committee in order to get the bill before the Senate. I understand why that happens sometimes around here with various bills. But, this isn t just another bill. This is an amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

Four years ago, Vice President Cheney said: The fact of the matter is we live in a free society and freedom means freedom for everybody. ...
Well now the Vice President has bowed to his political pollsters.

And if the Republicans are against activist judges, why did they confirm James Leon Holmes, who said, regarding a woman s right to choose, that concern for rape victims is a red herring because conceptions from rape occur with the same frequency as snow in Miami.

The Constitution should never be used as a political football or as an applause meter before an election.

Mr. President, we are all God s children. No two of us are alike we have different color eyes; we have different color hair; we have different color skin; we are different genders; and yes, we have different sexual orientations.

And it is brought to you by a President who said he would be a great uniter a healer that he would change the tone in Washington.
Well he hasn t; it is as bad as I ve ever seen it.

In other news, I suck and have no self control. *bows*
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