Don't mind me, just pass on through... *wink*
Aaaah! Damn the MST. It's being a bloody bitch. It's a well-known fact that I need to learn to think ahead, especially in [fic] situations that I haven't been in before. But I did, and it's not working because the characters are just saying "Well, we just want to jump into bed, woo woo!" and while that's all well and good, I need to maintain some dignity as a writer and have some goddamn buildup, which of course, they don't understand. The frelling characters think that buildup is something going up in the pants!
I think on the daily_snitch a few days ago, there was a question on whether the characters control the story, and it is oh-so-very true with me. Sadly true, I mean, I talk about them like they're actual people bent on destroying my night when all "they" are is ficticious characters I blame things on. See? I can analyze with the best of them! Ravenclaw, indeed.
Anyways... what can I do? Force the goddamn things to cooperate, and deal with it. I wish I could do a blackout... wait, why can't it? Why can't I just have them have the whole "unspoken communication" thing and jump on Harry! Hey! Possibilities here! Also, tears of joy! This could work. True, it's cliched, and probably a letdown but AAAAH! I have to get them together somehow. I want to mock the fic, and I can't until it's all worked out. YES! I don't have to figure out the mechanics! Halleluiah! Yes, it's a cop-out. No, I don't care. Bwahahaha!
I feel so much better now.
EDIT: Can't stop now! On a roll! Even if I really would like some sleep! *crazy grin of an obsessed writer*