
Jan 13, 2011 20:06

Character name: Gokudera Hayato
Character journal: tempestapiovra
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Point of Canon: Manga-verse; chapter 267, just as Bluebell and Zakuro launch their final attack against Gokudera.
Appearance: Coloured picture~ | B&W picture

Short for his age and ¾ European heritage, Gokudera stands no taller than 5'6". He is skinny, all sharp angles and noticeable bone structure with slightly feminine hips. His hair is silver-grey, parted in the centre so that it frames his face; it is cut into layers of various length, the longest of which reaches the nape of his neck, and often flicks out at the ends. Gokudera is more often than not scowling, his brows drawn together, sea-green eyes narrowed and lips down turned, but to see him smiling is not as rare an occasion as expected.

Gokudera's fashion sense is rather distinct. He wears slim, hip hugging jeans and trousers; t-shirts with simple, stylish slogans or images, occasionally with an unbuttoned shirt or a hooded jumper over; and various accessories including any number of belts and chains, ties and necklaces, wrist-cuffs and bracelets, and earrings in both ears. There is almost always a cigarette hanging from his lips too. He arrives in a perfect example of this fashion sense (see second picture).

Personality: On the surface, Gokudera appears to simply have a very explosive personality. He is brash, loud and has almost zero social skills. He is more immature than possibly even he realises, and can be very irrational and quick to lose his temper, tending to become loud and even more difficult to deal with when something ticks him off.

He has a very obvious problem with trusting people and working together with people, much preferring to go it alone rather than share the burden and run the risk of other people messing things up or working below his standard. These attitude problems and difficult traits may have arisen from the betrayal he faced as a child.

But this isn't all there is to the Italian. There is also an almost completely opposite side to him. It may take some time, may happen slowly little by little, but when someone proves themselves worthy to him, he displays amazing trust and friendship and a fierce loyalty. He will push himself to please those who he wishes to be in the favour of, to the point of sometimes pushing away or scaring the person on the receiving end. This happened fastest with Tsuna, though it seems to slowly be happening with the rest of the Vongola - he appears to trust them all now and is more willing to work together with the Family and allies. However, Gokudera's loyalty to Tsuna means that he sees things in the other boy which don't really exist, and that he is overbearing towards Tsuna.

He is also not impervious to feelings of fear and other such feelings, though he does tend to shove those down, most likely out of shame or disgust. One of his biggest fears is quite possibly not being needed or being rejected by those he strives to please or looks up to. It is even possible that there is also a sentimental side to Gokudera, that is perhaps only noticeable when it comes to his mother and the piano. And while it is not clear all the time, he does show that he has some realisation of the effects his attitude has.

Gokudera also has seemingly limitless determination. He is constantly pushing himself to his limits, striving to cross his own boundaries and better himself, especially when it comes to fighting for Tsuna. He is highly intelligent, not only excelling in school, but also when it comes to his fighting style. His main weapon, dynamite, requires him to fight based on quick thinking and strategy and he is always developing his skills. His desire to become stronger has meant in the past that he even disregarded his own life, though he has come to understand that he had to be aware of his own life as well, or else there was no worth in him striving. In fact, he understands it so well now, that he has changed his motives for wanting to be Tsuna's right hand man.

Powers/Abilities: Gokudera's intelligence carries over to his fighting prowess. He is able to quickly adapt to situations, and use his armada to defeat his enemies. A list and description of his weapons and abilities can be found at the Reborn wiki

History: As the illegitimate child of a Mafia Boss and a young Japanese pianist, Gokudera was taken from his mother at birth. He was raised instead as the son of his half-sister's mother (and his father's legitimate wife) and the truth was kept from the public and from him. His real mother was only allowed to see him three times a year, under the guise of a piano teacher, and she was forbidden from telling him the truth, so instead the young Gokudera believed her to be only a woman who liked piano a lot just like him.

Over time, he became a skilled pianist. However, after a series of incidents involving his sister, Bianchi, and probably the absence of the piano loving lady, he eventually grew bored of the piano. After giving up the piano, Gokudera decided to instead join the Mafia but found himself turned down by Family after Family, until finally a doctor working for his family at the time, who Gokudera looked up to, taught him how to use dynamite.

It wasn't until he was eight, five years after her tragic and suspicious death, when he overheard maids at his father's house talking about the death of his mother that he learned the truth about the piano lady. His father's betrayal and the shock of the truth caused Gokudera to run away from home, wanting nothing more to do with his family and swearing to himself to never return.

It is likely that Gokudera spent years on the street after running away. Here he would have learned quickly just how harsh the world was as he was exposed to cruel street life and as he continued to be rejected by the Mafia, the only place he felt he could turn. It was when he was fourteen that he finally found somewhere he belonged. Hearing of the person in line to be the Tenth boss of the Vongola family, he came to Namimori, Japan to test him; after being beaten and saved by one of his stray dynamite by Tsuna, he pledged his life to him. He wasn't the only one who joined Tsuna's family, another of Tsuna's classmates, the older brother of his love interest, the head of the school disciplinary committee, as well as a member of a rival family.

Kokuyo Arc: Word of Tsuna becoming the tenth boss quickly spread, and people from Namimori Middle School became victims of brutal attacks by the Kokuyo Junior High Gang. These attacks had been on the strongest people, of which Gokudera was third. Gokudera was attacked by Chikusa, and during the fight his opponent worked out that he was a member of the Vongola and attacked Tsuna, who was with Gokudera. Gokudera blocked the attack and took a lot of damage.

Gokudera forced Dr. Shamal to use one of his many drugs to heal him faster than he should. However, the side effects of the drugs meant that was severely injured in his second confrontation with Chikusa and Ken. He was defeated close to the cell where Hibari had been held and after freeing him and giving him the cure to a virus he'd been infected with, they defeated their enemies. This wasn't the end of the conflict for Gokudera though, he was possessed by Mukuro, who had been the ringleader of the attacks, but was eventually knocked out by Tsuna, who then defeated the illusionist.

Varia ArcJust a month later, Gokudera, Tsuna and Yamamoto were attacked and defeated by Squalo, a member of the Varia. While recovering from this battle, Gokudera received the storm half Vongola Ring, which was a mark that he was competing in the battle to see who was the rightful heir to the Vongola - Tsuna, or Xanxus (the head of the Varia and adopted son of the Ninth). Gokudera tried to get Shamal to train him once again, but the doctor refused. It was only once Gokudera came to understand the importance of his own life after causing himself injuries while practicing on his own, that Shamal agreed to help and Gokudera developed his rocket bomb technique.

His training was completed just in time for his scheduled fight against Belphegor - the Storm Guardian of the Varia. Technically, he defeated Belphegor, however explosives were set in the school where they were fighting and, unable to take the ring from Belphegor, Gokudera was convinced by Tsuna to give up the battle in order to save his own life.

Gokudera was later poisoned as part of the cruel scenario of the final battle, but received the cure from Hibari, who had been first to free himself. He then went on to defeat Leviathan and save Lambo and Ryohei before being caught in Mammon's illusions in the school gym, along with Yamamoto. They were rescued by Ryohei, and the Vongola went on to force the Varia to surrender following Tsuna's victory. Thus, Gokudera became the Vongola Storm Guardian.

Future Arc: In the future arc, Gokudera appeared in the future to find that the Tsuna of the future was dead and the world was practically under the control of the Millefiore. At the grave, he decoded a note left by his future self, which stated that they had to kill someone named Irie Shoichi. He and Tsuna were then attacked by Lal Mirch, who after the fight lead them to the Vongola base where they learned about what was happening in their future.

During a venture out of the base to save some of their allies, Gokudera learned about the use of flames and boxes from Future Yamamoto, who was then replaced by his past version. While saving Yamamoto and the other's from a member of the Millefiori, Gokudera activated his future self's box weapon.

Back at base, Lal taught them all how to use box weapons and flames properly. Not long after this, they began to search for the other Guardians, and Gokudera and Yamamoto went to follow a lead at Namimori Shrine. The encountered and suffered a defeat at the hands of Gamma, a member of Millefiore's Black Spell, due to their own differences (Gokudera wanted to fight alone while Yamamoto thought they should work together) and were barely saved by Hibari. However, during this fight, Gokudera gave away that Tsuna was alive - he was tortured by Gamma but refused to reveal anything else.

While recovering, Gokudera admits to Tsuna that their defeat was his fault. Later, while the team trains, Gokudera gives up working with his sister and works on decoding the Sistema C.A.I, which his future self had been working on. He eventually emerges, knowing how to use the box weapons and with a strange cat, named Uri, who had come out of one of the boxes.

The Vongola then launch a raid of the Millefiori Melone base. They were separated in the base, due to the moving of the blocks that made it up, and Gokudera is left with the future Ryohei. They encounter Gamma once again, and Ryohei ties Gokudera up to prevent him from acting brashly and being defeated. This backfires, however, and Ryohei is defeated. Gokudera fights Gamma with the C.A.I, however he is overpowered when Gamma releases his fox box animals. During the fight, Uri had been knocked into the pouch of Ryohei's box animal - the sun flames transformed Uri into her leopard form and together with her, Gokudera fought back. The fight ended in a huge explosion, knocking out both combatants. Gokudera was saved and later, along with the other Guardians, received a Vongola Box.

With the new boxes and Shoichi as a new ally against Byakuran, the head of the Millefiori, the Vongola returned to their base to train with the weapons for the Choice Battle. Gokudera was assigned to train both Lambo and Ryohei (who had been replaced by their past selves) how to use the boxes and rings. During this time, he also learned how to drive one of the motorcycles which Shoichi had developed for use in the upcoming fight.

During the Choice battle, Gokudera was chosen as a combatant, however his box weapons were rendered useless by one of the Millefiori's fighters, Kikyo. The Vongola lost this fight, due to their enemies strange abilities. They then learn the terrifying truth about their enemy and how every possible future has been conquered by Byakuran; but also that Tsuna of the future was not dead, but simply put into a death-like-state by a special bullet.

Shoichi attempts to force Byakuran to agree to a rematch, and when he refuses the other Millefiori boss, Uni appears, stating that she has the rights to half of the decision. When Byakuran refuses once more, Uni withdraws her half of the family from the Millefiori and asks Tsuna to protect her - this is because she is an essential piece for Byakuran's take-over of the world, she is the boss of the Arcobaleno. As the Vongola escape, Gokudera hangs back to help stall the Millefiori, though ultimately they all escape thanks to Mukuro.

Upon returning to Namimori, Gokudera uses his flame missile to destroy the teleportation device, to ensure their safe escape. However, it does not destroy the device - the device simply vanishes before returning and exploding in a number of directions, sending the Funeral Wreaths in different directions. The Vongola return to their base, but it is attacked by Zakuro. Squalo fights Zakuro, allowing the Vongola to escape once more.

Final Battle: They escape to Kawahiro's house. He helps them by hiding them and manages to get rid of Zakuro, who chases a mysterious 'murderous intent' that Kawahiro sends out. They stay in the house and listen in as Dino and Hibari defeat one of the Funeral Wreaths, Daisy. However, through one of his abilities, Byakuran find them. He sends one of his henchmen to infiltrate the house and successfully kidnaps Uni from right under their nose as they are planning their next move. Bluebell and Kikyo appear to back up Torikabuto to stop the Vongola from following, however, Gamma arrives and saves Uni.

With the help of Chrome's Vongola Box weapon, Tsuna defeats Torikabuto, who employs the Millefiori's unorthodox method of combining a box weapon with a human being - the Box of Carnage. During the fight, Gokudera is injured, yet before he has time to heal, (despite Shoichi saying he won't be able to fight) he insists that Tsuna allows him to go with Gamma and Lal to fight. This is the only time that Gokudera refuses to follow Tsuna's orders. But Gokudera then reveals that his desire to fight and his desire to become Tsuna's right hand man has changed from what it once was. He admits that he realises that Tsuna doesn't need a strong, reckless right hand man, but one that can share in the laughter of his boss and a do whatever he must to survive, for that sake. He understands that this means he must help to defeat Byakuran, so that they can all return to their peaceful past.

Gokudera fights against Zakuro, who after opening his Box of Carnage defeats both Gamma and Lal. At first, Gokudera's attacks from his Flame Arrow do no damage to Zakuro, due to his dinosaur skin from his box, and this leaves him no choice. Opening his Vongola Box to reveal his Cambio Forma, Uri leaps onto his Flame Arrow and merges with it to form Gokudera's new weapon, G's Archery - the bow of the first Storm Guardian. Gokudera quickly learns how to use the weapon and releases his Tornado Flame Arrow. The blast shaves away Zakuro's dinosaur skin, yet Zakuro is still too fast and manages to get behind Gokudera and bite him, damaging his shoulder. Using his Gatling Arrow attack makes Zakuro fly into a rage, which had been Gokudera's plan, but his enemy catches on and gets behind him once more; this time, it is only through Uri using the force of the storm flames that turns them around and allows him to blast Zakuro's left arm off.

As he is about to launch his final attack and finish the battle, he is blasted with rain flames from Bluebell. Bluebell and Zakuro then join forces to finish the battle with a deadly joint atack and Gokudera, along with Lal and Gamma can only watch on helpless as the attack comes towards them.

Journal sample: What the-- Where the hell is this?! It looks like Italy but... shit! What about the Millefiori? What about the battle and Tenth?

I... I've failed, haven't I? This is heaven or something, isn't it? Tenth... I'm so sorry! I've failed everyone

Wait. What the hell is this number?! Oi! Is anyone there?! Gamma? Lal? Tenth?! Tenth?!

Prose sample: The fight had been going so good. He'd been winning thanks to Uri's quick thinking and that bastard Zakuro was down one arm. He should have known that the damn Millefiori would play dirty. The rain flames had hit his back, tearing open all of his injuries and leaving many, many more and the scream that would have escaped his lips was drowned out buy the roar of the flames.

Lying helpless on the ground, weapons completely deactivated, he could only look up in defeat at the two Funeral Wreaths. He watched as Bluebell activated her Box of Carnage, transforming into a sickly beautiful looking mermaid, floating in the sky. He could see that they were talking, but couldn't hear, no matter how much he strained - the only sound in his ears was an acute ringing as he continued to reel from that last attack.

As the sky lit up with rain and storm flames, his eyes widened. He tried moving, tried to shout for help, tried to do anything but just lay there, but nothing worked. His entire body screamed in pain, his throat raw from the flames and he felt despair set in. They were doomed.

His vision was filled with flames as the attack came shooting towards them and Gokudera squeezed his eyes shut, giving in to cowardice as the end of his life approached.

Then suddenly there was a soft light behind his eyelids, and he felt himself standing. Slowly, he blinked his eyes open and found himself standing in front of a huge, ornate fountain. For a moment, he wondered if he was in heaven, but the pain from his injuries suddenly hit him like a tonne of bricks and he fell to his knees. Couldn't be heaven if he still hurt this much. But then... where was he?

Anything else: It wanna make sure that mods know that I'm playing Gokudera strictly from the manga. This means that the two anime filler arcs during the Future arc - the Arcobaleno Trials and the Inheritance Succession - never occured for Gokudera. This is greatly due to the fact that I haven't seen the second of the two and proferred the original manga rendition of the Future Story. Basically, I'm a picky sod and hate those arcs XP


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