It's my fault. I'm sorry. I was swayed by the evil ways of other social networking like Tumblr and Facebook. I was wrong. This, this marvelous thing with minimal ads and a not never ending and repeat repeat repeating of posts is far superior.
Without further adu, here's lots of dolly pics you might have missed out on over the last few months.
Current family picture.
A new dress for Maya!!
I got to try Felix on a Typr 3 Delf Body!! AND IT WORKS!!! OMGDZZ!
I got a new Volks outfit for Tempest... but Orion fits it better and seems to have stolen it.
ANOTHER New outfit for Maya! Geeze kid, stop being a money-pit!
Tempest being awesome in leather. YES.
Doll Tetris.
My tinies!
Felix got a new wig... and shoes.
And finally, Orion in his earlier wig getting his sexy on. Unf.