Alright, getting all of this homework out of the way, hope I’ve got this straight:
Doll assignment: Drama (if this isn’t the path of least resistance)
Deviance definition: Deviant Behavior
My definition for deviance is that deviance is “different.”
What sex means to me: Sex Ed.
This is a very vague question and I’m not sure how to respond to it. It would be a lot clearer if it was verified, “sex” as in intercourse or “sex” and in genitalia. Personally I think of it in terms of the latter. Sex in the biological and physiological divide between male and female, it’s anatomical. Male and female is so black and white, it’s so exclusive. Still society doesn’t really have a place for people who don’t fit the proper definition male and female, one or the other. I don’t think two categories are enough. I’ve been reading Anne Fausto-Sterling five sexes theories: the general, intersexes, herms, merms, ferms. As for sex in the form of intercourse, it's commercial and as I see it useful for reproduction purposes. As for my experience, well, that is for me to know and you to find out. Anyway, with such an unclear question I can only assume this was meant in an educational manner and not meant to be pubescent teenage babbling.
Hmmm. There's been a lot of crying over the sex ed. asignment...makes me wonder if we're teenagers or if we're kids in high-chairs still drinking from sippy cups. I wonder if that is a philosophical idea. I'd like to think I'm a big boy who could handle it, and if I didn't want to give out personal information then I'd just say fuck off and be done with it.