I think I may be dead on the inside....

Oct 06, 2010 09:39

So last night's Glee "Grilled Cheezus" episode was trumpeted as a tour de force of episodic television, "rare reasoned television depiction of religious discourse in 2010"....and I just wasn't really feeling it.  And not because the subject matter is not of interest of me.  I am a praticing Catholic (as much as the Church will allow) and a practicing lesbian, (obviously I have issues, wink wink ) and I was really looking forward to the "discourse".  Unfortunately there was very little discourse and a lot of singing, 7 songs to be exact with 44 minutes of screentime, and so I felt a little shortchanged.  I think I wouldn't have been so let down if the episode hadn't been so hyped as THE episode to watch.  I will say though that for a network show aimed at a tween/teen audience, it's really gutsy to tackle the subject of religion AND include a perspective on athesism.  I give them major points for doing that.  Still, that being said, it still fell short for me.

I guess, for me, my objection is very biased because the subject matter is very important to me and I'm sure that anything that tried to cover this issue within 44 mintutes would feel a bit hollow.

That being said, I do think the writers/producers should pare down the number of songs they do in episode as a general rule.  Yeah, yeah, I realize the show is a musical/comedy, but, still, I think the heart of the show should come from the non-singing interactions, with the songs just accenting the storyline, not driving it.

My two cents.  What's yours?

review, glee

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