I need to put my writing files together, and move around my furniture again. Revamp the storage and organziation plans---first one didn't work. And vaccuum, and do all those other required chores, which includes buying storage stuff at Big Lots.
But...some fun?
Since I'm driving into work tomorrow, I may sit for Irish music, or see if Dr. Andy is hosting open mike at Bistro.
Suisun is running saturday night movies at the waterfront---
Pirates of the Caribbean: Worlds End, Sept 20 $4 or $5 bucks I think.
Neville Bros in Vacaville on Friday (ok, *I* like Neville Bros!). But $54. And I need to think about getting my car tuned up (or buying a suit tonight--OK, no Nevilles).
And if I'm going to clean something, I *really* ought to consider this. I've bagged or forgotten the last few years.
California Clean Up DayNo projects scheduled for Suisun area, but there seems to be a clean up in Berryessa.
Also want to look into Contra and ECD schedules for Fall.
And poetry and story tells.
And I think I need to get back to focusing on organzing my room.
Added 8:48am: Maybe a picnic in the Arb would be nice. I rarely visited this summer. Along with many other visits and "go to's".
Oh! and Napa! CHARMING folks in Napa!