Jan 01, 2008 03:00
Happy New Year!
I'd like to take this time to reflect on the year past and a few small thoughts on the year ahead. One year ago I was hanging out with some friends, talking all night and I made a small request/resolution that 2007 would be better, not in any specific way...just better, than 2006. At that time I was coming up on graduation with no idea what I would do afterwards. I wasn't in the greatest of health. I'd had no great success as far as relationships go. I had lots of past and no future that I could see. I had (and still have) lots of friends and family for support, knowing that if I fall, then there will still be a net to catch me. I kind of cheated...I couldn't really see how 2007 could be worse than 2006...luckily my gamble paid off. In 2007 I graduated, was able to find a job that would give me invaluable career experience straight out of college. I had a wonderful six-month long relationship (my longest by far to date) that taught me much about myself, both good and bad. I've lost weight and started to take care of myself (a little) better in how I dress, how I carry myself, and how I live my life. I have an apartment with one roommate that is still decently close to all the things I need. I got to meet my brother's wife and recently became an uncle. 2007 wasn't without its problems as well; my grandfather had some health problems early in the year and has never quite recovered, said relationship ended after only six months, I'm hard pressed to make ends meet financially, and I'm unlikely to meet my niece for several years. But overall I have to say that 2007 was better than 2006 both for myself and many of the people I know.
I'm asking/hoping the same thing for 2008. That it will be better than 2007. I am slightly less hopeful at the moment due to a number of factors. I am barely making ends meet and my college loans are coming due(I actually have a plan for this that involves pushing them off through use of grad school or some such)and that won't be easy. My job is a lot of work, but it is tolerable. However it is not exactly in the best position a business can be in and I don't know of anything that I can do to change that. There are things to try and things to do better or differently, but I don't know if anything will be an improvement that makes a difference. Yes, I still have a network of friends and family...but they are harder for me to keep in touch with. I didn't used to have to spend time and energy to stay in contact, to stay friends and that wears on me. I do plan to continue improving myself physically, eating better, exercising more, that sort of thing. On the relationship front...well...not good news exactly. I've been flirting with a friend of several years acquaintance. We've never been close friends but I think we've got quite a bit in common and I'm hopeful. I feel awful though, I was hanging out with her and one of her best friends from out of town dropped by unexpectedly, and I tried very hard to not have it be awkward and to be friendly and involved...but I think I goofed and came off as a bit of a dick. I don't know how many of you know me, but a good number do and they may not realize that I can be socially impaired...I have a comfort zone, basically people or situations I know very well or don't care at all about. This was outside of my zone being people and situation I didn't know very well and yet cared about. So I guess the best I can hope is that she realizes I was trying and that I'm not always that way.
Thank-you for listening to me ramble and may all of your 2008's be better than your 2007's.