Ágætis byrjun...

Dec 06, 2006 20:56

It´s nice to have money again. Although I´m not entirely sure what I´m actually going to do with all of it, I think I can be fairly positive that the vast majority of it is going towards getting people gifts for Yule this year. In the course of the past couple of weeks, I´ve been doing a fair amount of self-reflection, and frankly, I´m rather disgusted by how much I spend on myself. I, like many other people, frequently give into impulse buying, where I see something, take an article of clothing as an example, and think to myself, Wow! That´s really neat, and I think I even have enough money to buy it, and proceed to purchase said object. Such habits are unhealthy, consumeristic, and self-centered, and I´d rather not be forced to identify myself as being a selfish, consumeristic, fat-ass American. So instead, when I do buy things (and outside of the basic necessities, I´m planning on cutting way back on such purchases), I hope to think more on what I could get to make other people happy, rather than myself.
When asked what I´m looking forward to most at this point in the year, I´ve lately been responding with, "Yuletide and presents." What few people realize, however, is that I´m not looking forward to recieving presents myself. Yes, I am looking forward to recieving a few small things, but I really can´t think of any "major" gifts that I´d be interested in getting. What I really mean when I say that, is that I´m looking forward to getting other people presents and by showing them how much I care by spending time with them and letting them know I love them very much. Isn´t that what the idea was in the first place?
I guess I kind of made some people feel a bit taken aback when I told them I wasn´t particularly looking forward to "Christmas." (Notice how this is the first time I´ve even mentioned this holiday by that name so far...) I guess what I meant by that, was that I´m not looking forward to the commercialization, the glossy wrapping paper and artificial trees, the whiny children on Christmas morning when they find out, to their dismay, that "Santa" didn´t get them a particular gift, the obligatory time with your extended family, because even though you´re not particularly fond of those people anyway, you still have to pretend you do since you´re related to them, etc. And what´s all this about the so-called "Christmas Season?" Not only does it seem longer than ever this year, but also as shallow and as pervasive as ever. Maybe this is just me being jaded, bitter, and cynical, but for those "Christmas Enthusiasts" out there, the Christmas Season doesn´t actually start until 25 December and then continue on for eleven more days afterwards. The season we´re in right now is Advent, the season BEFORE Xmas. (Am I the only one here who finds the fact that I´m agnostic, and yet still preaching about this, ironic?)
This year I want to make my Yuletide as special as it can be, especially since it will be my last year celebrating it with most of my friends still living at home. I want to show them all how much I truly love them, but not by buying them lots of shiny, expensive things that will only be used once upon recieving it and then left to gather dust afterward. I want to spend time with those whom I love, making the time spent with them as special and as memorable as possible. Maybe I´m just an idealist with his head in the clouds, but I honestly believe that this is the best way to celebrate this time of the year, regardless of what one´s religion may be.
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