
Mar 19, 2012 00:04

What is up with me this year? I used to actually post every week. Man.

Anyway, in the last, oh, month-ish...

+ I finished a very rough draft of the domestic fluff fic! (About 5,000 more words.) It needs major fixing up before it even can go to my beta reader, but hey, it's something.
+ I wrote about 13,000 words of a dystopian AU thingy that will never see the light of day.
+ And I wrote some other bits and pieces not worth enumerating. Maybe another thousands words or so, idk.

Soooo a decent month, I guess. My goal in the upcoming weeks, other than to finish and post the domestic fic, is to return to focusing on my novel. I've got a pretty good idea of some of the changes I want to make, but not of their ramifications throughout the whole piece, so essentially I need to re-outline and then figure out how much of this draft I can salvage, how much I need to rewrite, and how I'm going to tackle the whole thing. Man. A few weeks ago, the end felt so close, now it's not anymore. But it'll be worth it in the end. Or at least, that's what I'm telling myself to avoid going insane.

weekly word count

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