Oct 02, 2013 18:54
I don't much like this land of mine, it cannot be denied,
Despite suggestions that it ought to be a source of pride.
That pride, it seems to me, is just an end unto itself,
A point of barren vanity, like the poverty of wealth.
And do not speak to me about our great illustrious history,
For by and large it constitutes just victory after victory
From battlefields where patriots discount the human cost
(And strangely fail to mention all the battles that we lost).
Our oh-so-vaunted freedom is the freedom to make millions
From an economic system that brings misery to billions.
Our parliamentary system (must be best, 'cause it was first)
Doesn't look so good at second glance, though maybe not the worst.
No thought is too parochial or small-minded to express,
And that is why we need the precious freedom of the Press.
So if I hate this land it's for the ways that it can fail.
Not least the odious little shits who write the Daily Mail.