Oct 10, 2008 16:25

1. If MCR were to join forces with another band to take over the word, who would it be? (And if anyone says MSI you're getting deleted from the community) lol I kid, I kid. Hmm. There was a time when one might have said MCR teamed with Bert and the boys would make an undefeatable foe, but not so much now...I think if Geerad and Father Lazarra joined forces, they would be unstoppable. MCR + TBS = Mindblowing Sex World Domination

2. If you could only say one MCR lyric for the rest of your life, what would it be?
"My gun fires seven different shades of shit, so what's your favorite color, punk?"
or maybe
"Lie to me", whether it's techinically an official lyric or not. Vitamins!

3. Give each member their own mythical creature eg. Frank - Frankenstein.
Mikey is obviously a Unicorn.  Bob is a gnome, perhaps a dwarf.  Frank is still a Frankenstein.  Gerard is that dragon with the rainbow colored scales and a lisp and he breathes all kinds of rainbow fire.  And, ignoring the whole "mythical creature" theme, Ray is a Muppet.  Dewees is an Elf, and Cortez is El Chupacabra, only he sucks You Know Whats instead of goats.

4. MCR take part in the gay pride parade. What is on their float?
Well firstly, their float would be pulled by a team of unicorns.  After that, I have no fucking idea.  It would be the most fabulous float ever.

5. Who do you imagine to be the best cook?
Shrimp scampi anyone?  I think we all know Ray Toro wins this award, hands fucking down.

I just did a Friday Five you guys.  I can't believe I just did that.  Who even does that anymore.

At this moment, I'm at a rather high risk for beating the crap out of that wall in the parking garage.  Like, you don't even know.  I don't even know.  But the week is (almost) over, in a sense, and all the shit I'm busy with over the next few days at least doesn't involve advantage-taking slutmuffins and their counterparts.  I can't wait to quit this job, I really fucking can't.

Oh, and my mom is calling Jersey "Special K" now.  Apparently I won't stfu about how special Jersey Marie is (she is), and since she's a Kitten and all, mom wants to call her Special K.  I thought it was lame but then two seconds later I realized that my little girl is totally ghetto bad-ass rapper gangster with that name.

I hope you guys all have a ~heavenly~ weekend.  Go out to the pumpkin patch and throw down.

friday fucking five

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