The Morning After

Apr 03, 2006 07:54

Some early pictures of what used to be Marmaduke on MSN this AM

EDIT CNN had a few photos as well

Reports really started to come in this morning from there. The town is still closed off to everyone, including residents. ARI was shut down because part of it is gone, and that's where the worst of the gas leaks were at. In what was left of a house, there trailer from a big truck that had a John Deer tractor in it, or at least what was left of it. They think it might have traveled as far as 4 miles before landing there.

Over in Hardy, down by Spring River, they just said most of the trees are just gone. And we're talking some huge oak trees down there.

I'm tempted to take my video camera with me on my way to school today, since I'll be basiclly driving near to or even in the path that the tornado took, though I'm still waiting to see if we'll even have classes today due to storm damage at the school.

We really skimmed by this one. I was outside with the video camera taking pictures of it as it passed by north of us, and it was erie to get back in the house and hear how bad it actually was under those clouds.


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