May 06, 2003 01:29
I don't quite know how to use this yet, but I'll give it a's so much more customizable than diaryland. Don't laugh, yes I was using diaryland, but I think I won't anymore. This is better. ^_^ And new toy doesn't even refer to the journal but to the client I downloaded...this is pretty cool. Except I think it only detects music playing in winamp. At least, it doesn't seem to be able to detect music playing in wmp, which is what I use instead of winamp most of the time. Oh well.
Oh yeah, and I am SO amused by the neko mood pictures hehe ^.^ I hope they show up and everything. I've spent like the last hour and a half fiddling with the options and making a picture and stuff. I guess I'll have to do my chem homework in the morning. I think I'm tired though...I keep typing the wrong words for things and making the same mistakes more than once...sleep for me soon...