Nov 24, 2006 00:22
Stillwell and I went over to her sister's place in Red Hook to enjoy a lovely Thanksgiving Day feast while watching the Marx Brothers' classic "Night at the Opera". We had the always enjoyable turkey (I must have my turkey drumstick and cranberry sauce) and mashed potatoes with gravy but we also had Costa Rican "gallo de pinto" - this very tasty dish of mixed rice and black beans which Stillwell's sister learned to make in Costa Rica. Meanwhile, I made collard greens from the Coop's organic collards with bacon (no sodium nitrates) and red onions, O (Stillwell's brother-in-law) made stuffing muffins (yes, instead of just stuffing these were "stuffing muffins" AND for dessert they bought this really delicious sweet potato pie from Fairway.
We also met Stillwell's neice's (A) new boyfriend K, a cute Lebanese young man from Connecticut. So, it was just the 6 of us. I also brought along my "Ren and Stimpy" classic videotapes but only Stillwell, A, A's boyfriend and myself seem to have enjoyed the cartoon. Oh well. Nevertheless, a good time was had by all.
What did you guys have for your Thanksgiving Day feasts, DO TELL!!!
In this way, I can partake vicariously!