Came back yesterday and I'm still TIRED, I'm in need of vacations from my vacations apparently. ^^;
First and most important than anything else: Happy Brithday, my darling
daniela_lynx! I'm fighting with Roland and Gale, honestly. You're wonderful so I will keep trying to write them, I have time yet anyways. 8D *GLOMPS* Thank you for everything, you know how much I love you, right? Right. ♥~~
Three memes before I forget.
Meme #1:
Comment here and I will reply to you and tell you what icon of yours I associate with you. Once I reply, please repost this in your own journal, because I want to know what icon you associate with me.
Meme #2:
List the first five OTPs that come to mind and then click the link to answer the questions:
1. Mitsuru/Akihiko (Persona3)
2. Serph/Heat (DDS)
3. Toph/Sokka (Avatar)
4. Ando/Hiro (Heroes)
5. Franz/Albert (Gankutsuou)
1. When did you first fall in love with ship number 1? (Mitsuru/Akihiko)
The moment when I screamed OTP was since the very start of the game, actually, because Mitsuru and Akihiko's bond is undeniable. I fall in love with this ship when something really bad happened to Mitsuru at some point in the game (I cannot say what happened because of spoilers) and Akihiko was almost broken and worried about her (when he never broke when something as HORRIBLE happened to him before).
2. When did you fall in love with ship number 5? (Franz/Albert)
Exactly when Albert and Franz met after Albert knows everything and Albert cried and hugged Franz. I always saw Franz's love for Albert as canon (because it is) but this scene made me love them as a couple even if Albert is a whore never realized his own feelings for him.
3. What is your favorite moment of ship number 3? (Toph/Sokka)
Everytime they interact, really. I can't pick up only one and they're more platonic in canon anyway.
4. What will the ship be if you take the boy from ship 2 and the girl from ship 1 and mesh them? If one or both of the ships are slash, then pick and choose. (Serph/Heat and Mitsuru/Akihiko)
Serph/Mitsuru? She would top him HARD, really HARD and probably they would get along fairly well because she is that amazing.
5. Vice versa.
Heat/Akihiko? OH GOD. Akihiko would think that Heat is seriously strong and that is a big plus to him, but the whole cannibalism thing and Heat's temper? I don't think so. Besides to Heat, Akihiko is a brat. xD;
6. What's your favorite moment for ship 4? (Ando/Hiro)
The scene when Ando tells to Hiro exactly what happened to him in the future.
7. How long was there between the time you got into the fandom and the time you started shipping ship number 3? (Toph/Sokka)
I started by the end of the second season, I think. ^^;
8. When did you start shipping ship number 4? (Ando/Hiro)
I don't remember exactly when I did start shipping them, but around the first five episodes probably.
9. Take three random people from three of the ships and create an OT3?
I don't know, maybe Mitsuru/Sokka/Heat? Just because she will be the man in the threesome and both of them needs that? *runs like hell*
10. Rank your OTPs in order.
Meme #3:
EDIT: you can still try to guess my favorite pairings, please? xD ♥
a. Post a list of 15 fandoms.
b. Have your friends list guess your favourite character and pairing from each one.
c. When guessed, bold the line, include the character/pairing name, and write a sentence about why you like that character/pairing.
1. Naruto.
2. Digital Devil Saga. Cielo (
I liked him at first because of his outgoing personality and because he was very different to the other characters in Embryon, now it's because I LOVE his looks, because of his role in Embryon and him in general, honestly.
3. Persona3. Akihiko (
It's impossible to not love him when he is so flamboyant gay while trying to be all manlier to Mitsuru, but my real reason to love him is his personality and the way he face life by the end of the game.
4. Loveless. Yuiko (
She is sweet, lovely and even if she is still a kid, she tries really hard to be a friend to the guy she likes even if named guy likes another person. I like that she is so mature to her age and the way she loves Ritsuka.
5. Kingdom Hearts. Riku (
Honestly I never stopped loving him since the first game, but now I love him because of his insecurities, because he devotes himself to his friends, because even if he makes the wrong choices tries to fix his mistakes and because even if his fandom portrays him as a big perverted seme, in reality he would never do anything because he is SO afraid to hurt his friends that he is topped HARD in the end by Sora and Kairi (mostly by Kairi, she is awesome).
6. Hikaru no Go. Akira (
He is a normal Japanese boy but obsessed with Go, by which I mean that he is the perfect gentlemen by Japanese's standards in my honest opinion. I like him because of that and because of his passion towards Go and that he is so talented because he trained EVERYDAY of his life and not because he is a born-genius.
7. Shaman King. Horohoro (
I like him because of his personality and his way of fighting and the way he interact with Yoh and his team. Also because he takes part in the most gay scenes of the manga (his team takes their baths together in a big tub).
8. Heroes. Hiro (
lksdjfksdkjfjdsñkgfjdg I have no words to express how much I like Hiro, honestly. But he is AWESOME and the BEST THING EVER, trufax.
9. Avatar: The Last Airbender. Zuko (
Even if I adore Iroh, Sokka and Toph I still think that I like Zuko the most. Mostly because of how interaction with Iroh (I STILL BELIEVE IN YOU, REALLY), but it's all because of his issues and that I like to make fun of him sometimes.
10. Card Captor Sakura. Touya (
I LOVE Touya so much, from his way of thinking to his motivations to his personality and to everything about him in fact. Also I like his sense of humor and how he interact with his family and Yukito.
11. D.Gray-man. Ticky (
I'm deeply weak to Ticky, I love how of a crazy bastard he is and that he is hot and sexy. MAYBE THESE ARE SHALLOW REASON BUT I DON'T CARE.
12. Angel Sanctuary. Katou and Raphael (
Katou broke my heart more than four times in the whole manga and he gained my love because of that (such a masochist I am, isn't?), but I love that he is probably gay in canon and his love for Kira breaks me so much (I am cheap for onesided loves). But I like his personality a lot.
Raphael also broke my heart a couple of times, I like that he is a whore and his broken personality and his issues and his devotion to Mika-chan.
13. Fullmetal Alchemist. Ling (
I miss him in the canon right now, but my reason to love Ling so much (because I adore Al, Winry, Scar and Envy a lot [YES I LIKE ENVY D:]) comes from... everything about him, now that I think about it. I adore his personality mostly, but he is totally awesome.
14. Kyou Kara Maou. Wolfram (
I like him because he is a brat at the start of the anime but he changes and his devotion and love for Yuuri is so damn obvious that I just adore him for that. Also, his looks and personality in general helped. I mean, he changes a lot, but I love him since the start.
15. Neon Genesis Evangelion. Kaworu (
He made me cry years ago when I first watched the anime, my OTP from that point on was Kaworu/Shinji and I adored him. When I'd read the manga I fall in love with him all over again, but Kaworu in the manga has a different personality and I LIKE him a lot better now because of that.
The first person who guess right the most will get a drabble, maybe, but I'm really easy to guess. I tend to ship a lot of threesomes, by the way. Also I think that One True Orgy applies sometimes. Yeah, um, that. *runs*