Some dude of the LiveJournal staff
acted like an idiot. Why I'm not surprised? SIGH.
In other news, I'm testing
Scribblit as number 81 and I'm in love already. It's very promising until now and I'm spending some time there in order to test the whole site.
I joined a couple of communities at InsaneJournal and x-posted my last entry of LJ over there, but I think I'm not using it after all. Maybe for the propose of stalking, but nothing more. :/
For now I prefer Scribblit.
ETA: Oh god, I fail at English tonight.
ETA2: Changed my layout. ♥
telrunya ♥ It's the same one I'm using at Scribblit right now, but I really liked it and the previous one has a lot of problems, so using this one for the time being. The coloring of the header belongs to
allira_dream, I just played with it to make the header. (She is amazing at coloring and I was feeling lazy, so there |D)